Second Floor Flat, 9 Beaufort East, Lambridge, Bath

Internal and external alterations to replace 3no. front and 1no. rear sash windows (Retrospective).
Our Response

9 Beaufort East forms part of a Grade II late 18th century terrace of townhouses at 1-15 Beaufort East, situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It forms part of the contextual streetscape of the later, Grade II early 19th century terrace at Beaufort West. The terrace retains a strong symmetrical emphasis, with 6 townhouses to the east and west flanking a central projecting section of 3 townhouses, of which 9 Beaufort East is one. The principal façade is cleanly articulated in Bath stone ashlar with a three sash window range across the first and second floors and stone Doric pedimented door cases at ground floor. However, in places later additions have been made that somewhat unbalance the overall rhythm of the terrace, such as window alterations at 1, 7, 8, and 15 Beaufort East to create semi-circular arches over the central windows, as well as the addition of a 19th century first floor balcony to 5 Beaufort East. The terrace features a mix of fenestration types; windows towards the west end are largely 1-over-1 sash windows, whereas more traditional 6-over-6 sash windows are retained on the eastern end. 9 Beaufort East features a mix of window types across the principal façade, with the retention of 6-over-6 fenestration at second floor and dormer level.

BPT does not condone unauthorised works to a listed building and we maintain that the required listed building consent should always be secured before works are permitted to commence.

We acknowledge the need for significant intervention due to the reportedly poor condition and rotting timber frames of the previous windows. However, we maintain some concerns regarding the absence of heritage information pertaining to the age and origin of the sash windows. The D&A/Heritage Statement indicates that the windows were in place at least by 2006; however, the Historic England listing indicates that “No.9 has six/six pane sashes to the second floor and basement.” This may indicate that the windows were in place at the time of the building’s listing in 1950 and could have been a surviving indicator of the building’s historic fenestration.

The possible loss of historic glazing, contemporary to the building’s original 18th century form and design, would therefore result in detriment to the special architectural and historic interest to a listed building.

We acknowledge that this loss of, potentially historic, glazing is irreversible and therefore maintain that the replacement windows should match the original fenestration style, profile, and thickness as closely as possible; comparison would be aided by the inclusion of sections of the original windows.

Outside of this planning application, we consider that where future window repairs/replacement is required, the occupiers of the flats at 9 Beaufort East could take a collaborative approach to reinstate the cohesive use of 6-over-6 sash windows across the principal elevation.

Application Number: 22/01335/LBA
Application Date: 28/03/2022
Closing Date: 26/05/2022
Address: Second Floor Flat, 9 Beaufort East, Lambridge, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment