Land to the rear of 89 to 123, Englishcombe Lane, Southdown, Bath.


The erection of 16 no. supported living units (Use Class C3(b)) with associated communal hub (to include ancillary carers accommodation), access, landscaping and ancillary works.

Our Response

The proposal site is in the World Heritage Site (WHS) and Bath City-wide conservation area. Policies NE2A (landscape setting of settlements), NE3 (sites, habitats and species), NE5 (ecological networks and nature recovery) and SB17 (Englishcombe Lane) are applicable to the site.

The character of the conservation area in the immediate vicinity of the site is chiefly defined by the undeveloped land to the south and east. The ground level the rises to the south.

The site was subject to application 18/01516/REG04 (Development of 37 residential dwellings (Use Class C3, including affordable housing), vehicular and pedestrian access, open space, landscaping, drainage, related infrastructure and engineering works). “A decision was made not to pursue the proposed scheme and a decision notice was not issued” (Planning Statement [application 24/01168/REG03], para. 1.2.2, p. 4). The planning committee of the Local Planning Authority (LPA) agreed to grant permission.

BPT provided comment on the 2018 scheme and found the application broadly satisfactory. Observations included – the success of the assimilation of this scheme will rest with the effectiveness and quality of the landscaping and tree planting, to allow the scheme to blend into the urban townscape in long views, relatively small gardens, contextual 3D street views or aerial views would be useful as would photomontages. Concerns with the proposed materials (timber and buff brick) in the immediate context and in the context of the scheme being an urban extension rather than a rural development.

The 2018 scheme included two and three storey properties, whereas the subject scheme mainly comprises single storey buildings. The proposed material palette comprises timber, Bath stone and buff brick, with green roofs with photo voltaic panels (PVs).

The palette of building materials in the immediate vicinity of the site (Englishcombe Lane and Stirtingale Road) comprises Bath stone, red and brown roof tiles and painted render. The majority of buildings are of two storeys.

It is noted that the submission contends that it has demonstrated that a bio-diversity net gain of 10% is feasible.

The principal of residential development on the site has been established via policy SB17 and perhaps decision makers will give some material weight to the LPA’s position on the 2018 application, though not formally determined, as above.

It appears that the site will have negligible impact on long distance views from within the WHS and whilst the development will be glimpsed in views from the roads immediately surrounding the site, the overall design of the proposed scheme will present a relatively low impact development.

The proposed lighting provision appears to acceptable, as does tree retention and planting. Contributing to a development that is appropriate to the site and immediate vicinity.

Reservations with the use of buff brick remain, given the use of Bath stone in the vicinity of the site. Given the elevated position of the site, it is recommended that a condition relating to the specific design, location and form of the PVs is attached to any positive decision. Similarly, the removal of permitted development rights will subject any alterations to the provisions of the planning system. Allowing scrutiny of works that may detract from the broad nature of the scheme.

The proposal is contrary to the main character of the conservation area; however, the development is of relatively low impact and policy SB17 is in place. The benefits of the provision of supported living units are of course welcomed.

Application Number: 24/01168/REG03
Application Date: 16/04/2024
Closing Date: 22/05/2024
Address: Land to the rear of 89 to 123, Englishcombe Lane, Southdown, Bath.
Our Submission Status: Comment