
Erection of timber framed studio/garden room.

Our Response

The proposal site is within the Green Belt, the Cotswolds National Landscape and the World Heritage Site (WHS).

Whilst each application is based on its own merits, it is noted that a number of applications for a detached garage on the site have been refused, the last being 06/02929/FUL. The refusal reason included “The proposal would result in an inappropriate development within the Green Belt with no special circumstances having been demonstrated to otherwise justify development”. The proposed site of the garage was to the north of the dwelling. In the subject scheme, the building is to the south.

B&NES Policy NE2 requires that proposals with the potential to impact on the landscape of an area or views, should be accompanied by a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment; however, an assessment is lacking from the submission.

The submission does not appear to have engaged with B&NES Policy NE5 (Ecological networks and nature recovery).

Unfortunately, a comprehensive consideration of the scheme against the requirements of policy cannot be undertake and therefore BPT cannot support the application.

Application Number: 24/01266/FUL
Application Date: 05/04/2024
Closing Date: 23/04/2024
Address: Horsecombe Grange, Horsecombe Vale, Combe Down
Our Submission Status: Object