Garages and parking area east of 105 Kelston View, Whiteway, Bath


Demolition of existing garages and the erection of 4 No. residential apartments, parking and associated works.

Our Response

The proposal site chiefly consists of a row of garages and associated hard-standing and is situated on the northern side of the highway known as Kelston View. The site is within the World Heritage Site (WHS) and abuts the Bath City-Wide Conservation Area. The scheme aims to provide 4no. affordable homes on the site, in an established residential area.

The two-storey development will hinder views into and across the conservation area and wider WHS; however, this would be relatively limited. If harm to the designated heritage assets is identified, due to harm to how they are experienced visually in terms of views. Then this would be less than substantial, with reference to the provisions of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). If this is the case, then the prescribed balancing exercise as per section 16 of the NPPF would need to be undertaken. Balancing the harm to the heritage assets, to which great weight to their conservation needs to be afforded, against public benefit. In this instance, the latter, principally based on the affordable housing provision out-weighs any less than substantial harm.

The nature of the infill development does not detract from the character of the immediate vicinity and therefore coupled with the above, BPT supports the application.

Application Number: 24/01120/FUL
Application Date: 29/03/2024
Closing Date: 23/04/2024
Address: Garages and parking area east of 105 Kelston View, Whiteway, Bath
Our Submission Status: Support