Top Flat, 35 Belvedere, Lansdown, Bath

Internal and external alterations to include removal of internal stud wall, vaulting of the existing ceiling, creation of new mezzanine and addition of roof lights.
Our Response As currently proposed, it is unclear as to where the proposed rooflights would be located on the roof and the any resulting impact to the appearance or character of a listed building. The roof plans as currently provided with the floor plans are fragmented and do not provide a clear picture of the proposed interventions; it is recommended that a contextual roof plan is provided with the proposed rooflights indicated in situ to better illustrate the extent of external works to a listed building.
Application Number: 23/00528/LBA
Application Date: 09/02/2023
Closing Date: 30/03/2023
Address: Top Flat, 35 Belvedere, Lansdown, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment